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Watch Lawrence go with the flow in the video.

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A boy took his fathers Viagra tablets to school and handed them out to his friends during their lunch break. Well, it probably beats nearly killing a man while scratching your ass. by LAURA CLARK and ALEX BULLER, Daily Mail. A Single Man, the Tom Ford drama based on the Christopher Isherwood novel of the same name, stars Colin Firth as George Falconer, a gay British university professor living in Los. Informed by host Corden that she has “a very relaxed peeing face,” Lawrence noted, “Yeah, I know how to do it. “I went to pee, and then my friend got the phone because she knew I was peeing, and then we both decided to leave my mom out of it,” Lawrence continued.Īlso Read: Jennifer Lawrence Draws Fire for Story About Scratching Butt on Sacred Hawaiian Rocks “I’m actually peeing in that photo, she has no idea. The photo depicts Lawrence’s mother lounging with a wine glass in her hand, while her daughter smiles and squats behind her in a seemingly innocent pose.Īlso Read: Jennifer Lawrence Says She Meant 'Absolutely No Disrespect to the Hawaiian People' With Butt-Scratching Story “The Hunger Games” star appeared on CBS’ “The Late Late Show With James Corden” on Tuesday and shared a heartwarming family anecdote - about how she shot a photo with her mother while urinating. That Jennifer Lawrence - she’s quite the whiz kid.

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